Mastering Advanced Spring Boot: A Deep Dive into Modern Development Practices

Vijayasankar Balasubramanian
3 min readFeb 12, 2025


Spring Boot has revolutionized Java development, making it easier to build robust, scalable, and production-ready applications. While many developers are comfortable with the basics – like dependency injection, RESTful APIs, and database interactions – truly mastering Spring Boot requires an understanding of advanced concepts that enhance performance, scalability, and maintainability.

This follow-up dives deeper into recent advancements, best practices, and real-world strategies to elevate your Spring Boot expertise.

1. Custom Spring Boot Starters: Scaling Enterprise Development

Custom Spring Boot starters provide a plug-and-play way to bundle dependencies and configurations, simplifying development across multiple projects.

Why It Matters

• Reduces redundancy across projects.

• Encourages code reuse and modularization.

• Enhances maintainability in enterprise applications.

New Best Practices

Use @Conditional Annotations Wisely: Instead of enabling features blindly, use @ConditionalOnProperty, @ConditionalOnClass, and @ConditionalOnBean to ensure dependencies are properly loaded.

Leverage Spring Boot 3’s GraalVM Support: Optimize starters for native image compatibility, reducing startup time and memory usage.

Example: Creating a starter for custom logging.

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "custom.logging.enabled", havingValue = "true")
public class LoggingStarterConfig {
public Logger customLogger() {
return LoggerFactory.getLogger("CustomLogger");

2. Evolution of Spring Boot Actuator for Observability

Spring Boot Actuator provides deep insights into application health, performance, and logs.

What’s New in Spring Boot 3?

Micrometer Tracing: Unified distributed tracing support (replacing Sleuth) for better observability with OpenTelemetry.

GraphQL Integration: Monitor GraphQL APIs through Actuator endpoints.

Securing Actuator Endpoints: Instead of exposing all endpoints, configure granular security using management.endpoints.web.exposure.include.

Example: Exposing only health and metrics endpoints


3. Spring Boot & Reactive Programming: Moving Beyond REST APIs

Spring WebFlux enables asynchronous, non-blocking architectures, essential for high-throughput applications.

Modern Trends in Reactive Development

R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity): Non-blocking database operations.

Reactive Security with Spring Security 6: Handles authentication/authorization in non-blocking flows.

Backpressure Management: Optimize reactive streams with Flowable, Buffer, and Window operators.

Example: Handling backpressure using .onBackpressureDrop()

Flux.range(1, 1000)

4. Spring Cloud: The Modern Microservices Backbone

Microservices demand resilient architectures, and Spring Cloud provides battle-tested tools for configuration, service discovery, and fault tolerance.

Key Enhancements in 2024

• Spring Cloud Gateway 3.1: More efficient API Gateway with built-in circuit breakers.

• Resilience4j Integration: Replaces Netflix Hystrix for better circuit breaker support.

• Kubernetes Native Support: Spring Cloud now offers first-class support for Kubernetes service discovery.

Example: Configuring a Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j

@Retry(name = "backendService", fallbackMethod = "fallbackResponse")
public String fetchData() {
// Call external service

public String fallbackResponse(Exception e) {
return "Fallback response due to failure";

5. Advanced Security with Spring Boot

Security is no longer an afterthought – it’s a fundamental pillar of modern applications.

Modern Security Best Practices

• OAuth2 & OpenID Connect Integration: Secure microservices with Keycloak, Auth0, or AWS Cognito.

• JSON Web Token (JWT) Optimization: Reduce token size and improve security with asymmetric encryption.

• Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with @PreAuthorize: Restrict access dynamically.

Example: Protecting APIs with RBAC

public String adminEndpoint() {
return "Admin Access Only";

6. Containerization & Deployment: The Spring Boot DevOps Shift

Deploying Spring Boot applications efficiently is just as important as writing clean code.

What’s New?

• Buildpacks for Cloud-Native Images: Automatically generate optimized Docker images.

• Kubernetes Readiness/Liveness Probes: Ensure microservices are healthy and restartable.

• Serverless Support with AWS Lambda: Spring Boot 3 optimizes serverless applications with native image compilation.

Example: Adding Readiness Probe in Kubernetes Deployment

path: /actuator/health
port: 8080

7. Distributed Tracing: Making Sense of Microservices Chaos

As applications grow, tracing user journeys across services becomes essential.

Latest Advancements

OpenTelemetry Integration: Spring Boot now natively supports OpenTelemetry for standardized tracing.

Tracing with Grafana Loki + Prometheus: Aggregates logs and traces for deep insights.

Kafka Observability: Monitor event-driven architectures by tracing Kafka messages.

Example: Enabling OpenTelemetry in Spring Boot


Final Thoughts: The Future of Spring Boot

Spring Boot continues to evolve, integrating modern development paradigms while staying true to its mission – simplifying enterprise Java development.

As a Java developer, staying ahead means:

✅ Mastering Reactive & Asynchronous Programming

✅ Implementing Robust Security & Observability

✅ Optimizing Deployment with Kubernetes & Serverless

✅ Leveraging AI for Intelligent Code Generation (Spring AI is in its infancy!)

By embracing these advanced Spring Boot concepts, developers can build resilient, scalable, and future-ready applications that align with modern cloud-native architectures.



Vijayasankar Balasubramanian
Vijayasankar Balasubramanian

Written by Vijayasankar Balasubramanian

Java Solution Architect, Java Full Stack Engineer

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